St Stephen'sPrimary School

Year 6 Art- Week 1

Year 6 are extremely lucky (and excited) as they are currently working with an artist during their art lessons! 

This term, Sam (a real artist!) is leading the Year 6 art lessons. The Year 6 children are taking part in an Arts Award entitled: ‘Staying Safe’. This is all about how we can keep  safe with a focus on keeping safe after the lockdowns experienced due to COVID. 

This week was the children’s first week and they all received a brand new sketchbook to record their work. Firstly, Sam explained that there were different forms of Art. Did you know that Art includes: painting, textiles, graphic design, illustration, music and acting! he children were then asked to draw simple images that represented themselves. These images were then used to create the letters of their names! We had some very imaginative designs that included pizzas being used for the letter A! The children have to concentrate when sketching their names as the letters needed to fit across the page equally so there was some measuring involved. 

Next week, we are looking forward to learning some new painting techniques! 

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St Stephen's RC Primary School
Chappell Road, Droylsden, M43 7NA
Main Contact:Office Manager
Mrs C Sutcliffe
0161 370 2071