Religious Education
St. Stephen’s RC Primary school follows the “Come and See” R.E programme as recommended by the Diocese of Salford. In the classroom we deliver the programme of “Come and See” through our R.E sessions. The essence of our beliefs and practices are carried out through all our classroom practices. Liturgies, whole school assemblies and class reflections echo the themes and the liturgical calendar throughout each week, in addition to class sessions.
“The programme has been developed to respond to the needs of children today in their faith journey, to enable them to grow in their religious literacy and understanding in a way that is coherent with current educational principles. It is designed to support teachers in their delivery of religious education. It integrates the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Levels of Attainment and the new Religious Education Curriculum Directory. At the heart of the progamme is the mystery of God’s self revelation of love through Jesus Christ. “Come and See” gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition. I am sure that “Come and See” will serve you well in the sacred task of teaching religious education.” Rt Rev Peter Doyle, Bishop of Northampton – Former President of the National Board of Religious Inspectors and Advisers.
“Come and See” is developed through three themes based on the above documents of the Second Vatican Council, which are gradually explored each time at greater depths. They are Church, Sacrament and Christian Living.
The Church Themes
The Church themes occur in each season time and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme.
- Autumn – My story – my family – Domestic Church. To start the year Come and See begins with my story within a family. The Church honours the family with the title Domestic Church because it is there that parents by their word and example are the first (teachers) heralds of faith with regard to their children.
- Spring – Our story – local community – Local Church. After Christmas the children explore the theme of local Church which is our story. The parish is where people gather together to celebrate and practice care and love for each other. The diocese is the community of the Christian faithful.
- Summer – The story – the worldwide community – Universal Church. The year finishes with the story of the worldwide community, the universal Church. In the Church, God is calling together his people throughout the world. The order and harmony of the created world result from the diversity of beings and from the relationships that exist among them.
The Sacramental Themes
The Sacramental themes occur once in every season time and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme.
- Autumn – Belonging – born into Christ’s life. Following on from an understanding of belonging to a family the theme of Baptism introduces the understanding of being initiated into belonging to the Christian Church during key stage 1. The faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the sacrament of Confirmation and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life. At key stage 2 children will learn about the Sacrament of Confirmation, whereby the baptised are more perfectly bound to the church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit, the Sacrament of Ordination for the service of the Church and the Sacrament of Marriage, perfecting the human love of wife and husband.
- Spring – Relating – God’s love in our lives – Eucharist. In the Spring time after learning about the local Church community, the Sacrament of the Eucharist is explored. This is the Sacrament of communion with Christ and the Church. This sacrament is at the heart of Come and See since it is at the heart of Christ nourishing his people.
- Summer – inter-relating – service to the community – Reconciliation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation forms part of the work of the summer time where there is an opportunity to learn about the joy and challenge of relationships and God’s love and mercy celebrated in this sacrament. At key stage 2 children will learn about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, which strengthens, forgives and unites the ailing person more closely to Christ.