St Stephen'sPrimary School

Our Remote Learning Contingency Plan

The following information is a ‘Remote Learning Contingency Plan’.

What have we done so far to mitigate any gaps to learning for all children include:

  • Baselining all children to identify any gaps in learning. Teaching adjusted to address any gaps identified
  • Curriculum reviewed for each year group to prioritise key concepts
  • Use of DFE documentation for additional support
  • Application of high quality first teaching strategies by all teachers
  • Regular monitoring of teaching and learning by SLT and subject leaders
  • Maximise teaching and learning of core skills through the foundation subjects.
  • Use of intervention strategies for children identified as off target for their end of year expectations
  • Clear plan in place for remote learning in case of school/class/individual children not being able to attend school

Going forward, in the unfortunate event that a child or group of children are unable to attend school due to COVID-19, we have devised our remote learning offer. Please read this carefully so you are aware of what provision will be in place in the event that your child cannot attend the school site. Please note that any decision to close the site for some or all year groups will be made after consultation with the Department for Education/Public Health England following their risk assessment processes.

Please find below the details of the home learning offer available for children and families to cover a range of scenarios. Only in extenuating circumstances would these offers be unavailable.



Remote Learning Offer


Child is absent with non-COVID illness

No home learning delivered by school. If child is not well enough to attend school, they should rest so that they are able to recover to return to school.


Child is absent with COVID symptoms and is awaiting a test / test result

No home learning delivered by school. If child is not well enough to attend school, they should rest so that they are able to recover to return to school following a negative test result. Siblings who are isolating due to being a contact with family member – see section D.


Child is absent with positive COVID test but symptoms have subsided so child is self-isolating

A learning pack will be issued by the school office, along with stationary if needed. These will be emailed; a paper copy can be collected from the school office if required. Reading books can be collected from the school office also.

Your child’s class teacher will email each morning with the activities that children will be completing in class. The class teacher will make two phone calls to check in during the week and the class teaching assistant will make contact too. Parents can communicate with the teacher via dojo.

Teachers may direct parents to lessons via the Oak Academy. These are pre-recorded lessons with activities and are highly recommended by the DfE. These can be found on our school website on each class page.


Individual child isolating for the required amount of time as has been in contact with a COVID positive case (such as family member or outside of school).

A learning pack will be issued by the school office, along with stationary if needed. These will be emailed; a paper copy can be collected from the school office if required. Reading books can be collected from the school office also.

Your child’s class teacher will email each morning with the activities that children will be completing in class. The class teacher will make two phone calls to check in during the week and the class teaching assistant will make contact too. Parents can communicate with the teacher via dojo.

Teachers may direct parents to lessons via the Oak Academy. These are pre-recorded lessons with activities and are highly recommended by the DfE.


Whole class closure due to guidance from Public Health England/DFE in the event a member of the class tests positive for COVID and teaching staff well enough to deliver learning

Day 1: A learning pack will be issued by the school office, along with stationary if needed. These will be emailed; a paper copy can be collected from the school office if required. Reading books can be collected from the school office also. Class teacher may direct to Oak Academy via school website.

From Day 2 – online teaching to take place at least 3 times a day via Google Classroom. Teachers would deliver a 20-30minute input (age dependent) live, and children complete tasks set offline. The day will begin at 9:30am in case parents need to drop siblings off to school.

A typical day:

Time Activity Where


On-line live registration, prayer and chat



Maths – 20/30minutes live session followed by an independent task to be completed offline






Phonics/Reading/Spelling rule activity



English – 20/30minutes live session followed by an independent task to be completed offline






Religion/Science or Foundation Subject – – 20/30minutes live session followed by an independent task to be completed offline



Break and finish off any work from the day



Live session – End of day catch up and story time


Lessons supplemented with daily reading, Timestable Rockstars, EdShed and PE activities.


Whole class closure due to guidance from Public Health England/DFS in the event a member of the class tests positive for COVID but the teaching staff are unwell and unable to deliver learning

A learning pack will be issued by the school office, along with stationary if needed. These will be emailed; a paper copy can be collected from the school office if required. Reading books can be collected from the school office also.

Home learning to be delivered by Oak Academy supplemented by daily reading, TTRock Stars and EdShed. A member of school staff will be in touch with other activities.


Whole school closure due to guidance from Public Health England/DFE instruction – children of none essential workers cannot attend school. Teachers well enough to deliver ‘live’ content via Google Classroom

Day 1: A learning pack will be issued by the school office, along with stationary if needed. These will be emailed; a paper copy can be collected from the school office if required. Reading books can be collected from the school office also. Teacher’s may direct to Oak Academy via our school website.


From Day 2 – online teaching to take place at least 3 times a day via Google Classroom. Teachers would deliver a 20-30minute input (age dependent) live, and children complete tasks set offline. The day will begin at 9:30am

A typical day:


On-line live registration, prayer and chat



Maths – 20/30minutes live session followed by an independent task to be completed offline






Phonics/Reading/ Spelling rule activity



English – 20/30minutes live session followed by an independent task to be completed offline






Religion/Science or Foundation Subject – – 20/30minutes live session followed by an independent task to be completed offline



Break and finish off any work from the day



Live session – End of day catch up and story time


Lessons supplemented with daily reading, Timestable Rockstars, EdShed and PE activities.


Whole school closure due to Public health England/ DFE instruction – children of essential workers continue to attend school

Face to face teaching delivered by a member of staff in school (this could be a teacher or teaching assistant). Children will access the same curriculum and resources as those learning at home.

Children now should have all their logins glued into their Reading Diaries or Home Learning Books.

All children have now brought home a blank exercise book to record work during home learning if required. Please put this in a safe place in case it is needed at short notice.

If you feel you will have difficulties accessing online Google Classroom or Oak Academy due to insufficient devices at home, please let Mr Lavin know as soon as possible so we can make the necessary arrangements. Both Google Classroom and Oak Academy are available on desktops, tablets and mobile devise including iPhones, iPads and Android.

Get In Touch

St Stephen's RC Primary School
Chappell Road, Droylsden, M43 7NA
Main Contact:Office Manager
Mrs C Sutcliffe
0161 370 2071